Vydán Skrooge 2.33.0
The Skrooge Team announces the release 2.33.0 version of its popular Personal Finances Manager based on KDE Frameworks.
Seznam změn
- Correction bug 485366: Differnce in different Report-Selections (2)
- Correction bug 484156: "Monthly Report" Last month grahic failure
- Correction bug 489784: Importing a QIF the account type is changed
- Correction bug 492287: Skrooge 2.32.0 freezes while opening existing .skg files, but import is fast
- Correction bug 493062: Another Problem with QIF and Character "/"
- Correction bug: Fix mimetype of .sta file
- Correction bug: Remove dependency on QCA. So, old password protected files are no more supported.
- Correction bug: Fix translation issue in "Incomes vs Expenditures" dashboard widget
Get it, Try it, Love it...
Grab Skrooge from your distro's packaging system. If it is not yet included in repositories, go get it from our website, and bug your favorite distro for inclusion.
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- Submit bug reports
- Diskutujte na Fórum KDE
- Contact us, give us your ideas, tell us where we can improve...
- Can you design good interfaces? Can you code? Have webmaster skills? Are you a billionaire looking for a worthy investment? We will be very pleased to welcome you in the Skrooge team, contact us!