

How can I help when I have a performance issue?

If you want to help us to analyse a performance issue, you can do that from a console:


Play your scenario except the action causing the issue.
Click on Tools/Restart Profiling.
Play the last action causing the issue.
Click on Tools/Open Profiling.

A page has been opened.

Copy and send us the content by email.

How can I initialize tracker value?

Sometimes, you would like to track the refund of a payment done before you started to use Skrooge.
How to do that because it's not possible to set an initial amount on a tracker?

You can create a split operation with:

  • amount=0 to avoid impact on reports
  • a split with the expected amount associated to the tracker
  • the other split with the opposite amount not associated to a tracker
How to have Skrooge in my language ?

First, check if Skrooge is well translated for your language: https://l10n.kde.org/stats/gui/trunk-kf5/po/skrooge.po/

Second, don't forget to install packages for your language. Example for french (fr):

How to add a source of download for units?

Since Skrooge 1.1.0, you can add your own source of download for units.

For that, you just have to add a file in $HOME/.kde/share/apps/skrooge/quotes/

This file must be a text file (extension .txt) like this:

#The URL of the source. %1 will be replaced by the internet code of the unit

#The mode (HTML or CSV). In HTML mode, only one value will be extracted from downloaded page. In CSV mode, a value per line will be extracted.

#The regular expression for the price (see https://doc.qt.io/qt-6.2/qregexp.html)

#The regular expression for the date (see https://doc.qt.io/qt-6.2/qregexp.html)

#The format of the date (see https://doc.qt.io/qt-6.2/qdate.html#fromString-2)
dateformat = yyyy-MM-dd

This is not so easy to define regular expression, so you can active Skrooge's traces by doing export SKGTRACE=1.

Defaults sources are installed in /usr/share/kde4/apps/skrooge/quotes/.

How to reduce the size of my document?

The size of your document can be very important. If you delete same old transactions, the size will increase.

This is normal because Skrooge keeps the history of all modifications for the undo/redo mechanism.

So, if you want to reduce the size of your document, you just have to clear the history.

How to set default currency and date format?

Default currency and date format are retrieve from KDE's system settings. Some distributions do not ship it with base KDE packages, that should have been installed along Skrooge. In such case you should install it through your distribution's package manager.

You can then start it in a console


And select your preferred settings in the locale section.

How can I add bank's icons for my country?

The banks are defined in a file named list_bank.txt containing one line per icon.

Lines in this file are in fact the name of each bank logo file, and the file should be named like this : xxxxx_xxx_xx__yyyyy.png

  • xxxxx_xxx_xx is the name of the bank. Underscores (_) will be replaced by space when displayed in Skrooge.
  • yyyyy is the code of the bank. Usually, this code appears at the beginning of the account number.
  • The size of the file must be 100x100 maximum.

Note 1: there is double underscore (__) between the bank name and the bank code.
Note 2: the bank code is optional. If this is not applicable in your country, do not put anything, and do not put the double underscore.

As to logo files, it's being debated currently whether we should ship them within Skrooge, because of copyright issues. If you want to add them along with the file, please do so, but be aware that at some point in the future they might be removed...

How to translate Skrooge for my language ?

Skrooge being a KDE application, all translations are held in the KDE repository. The following page shows translation progresses for Skrooge:

In order to contribute to KDE translations, I'd recommend you have a look at this page: https://l10n.kde.org/
It's usually very easy to join a team.

They should give you proper indication on getting involved.

How to avoid Skrooge freeze ?

Sometimes, Skrooge freezes.
Most of the time it's due to settings.
So, you just have to try:

rm ~/.kde/share/config/skroogerc

If this doesn't work, then try:

rm ~/.kde/share/apps/skrooge/skrooge_print.rc
rm ~/.kde/share/apps/skrooge/skrooge_file.rc
rm ~/.kde/share/apps/skrooge/skrooge_importexport.rc
rm ~/.kde/share/apps/skrooge/skrooge_undoredo.rc
rm ~/.kde/share/apps/skrooge/skrooge_operation.rc
rm ~/.kde/share/apps/skrooge/skrooge_scheduled.rc
rm ~/.kde/share/config/skrooge-appletsrc
rm ~/.kde/share/config/skrooge_filerc
rm ~/.kde/share/config/skrooge_operationrc
rm ~/.kde/share/config/skrooge_importexportrc
rm ~/.kde/share/config/skrooge_searchrc
rm ~/.kde/share/config/skrooge_scheduledrc
rm ~/.kde/share/config/skrooge_unitrc
rm ~/.kde/share/config/skrooge_undoredorc
How do you manage code quality ?

To improve the quality of Skrooge, we are using many tools:

  • ctest to execute automatic tests.
  • With continuous integration thanks to KDE Build.
  • With Coverity:
    Coverity Scan Build Status
How can I help debug?

You can help us by doing:

  • Ask for help on Discuss if you are not sure that it's a bug.
  • Check in the bug tracker that our problem has not been reported before.
  • Open a console.
  • Execute following lines in the console.
export SKGTRACE=255
skrooge > traces.txt
  • Replay your scenario.
  • Open a new incident with:
    • A detailed description.
    • The result.
    • The expected result.
  • Attach the file named traces.txt to the opened incident.

This document could help you to avoid mistakes.

How can I report a vulnerabilities ?
You can contact the main developer. You can find his email in the "About" of Skrooge.
How can I contribute to the Skrooge project?

Many answers to this question:

  • By translating the application and the documentation. You can find statistics here.
  • By opening bugs or wishes from here.
  • By answering questions on Discuss.
  • By proposing patches.
  • By writing articles on this site.
  • By voting for Skrooge on KDE-Apps.
  • By sending us encouragement.